Welcome to Southgate Community Schools!
Contribute photos to our 2024-2025 Social Media Links to promote our Titan Pride!
The District has received American Rescue Plan dollars that it is using for remote instructional support, medical assistance, class size reduction, transportation, student advocacy, and building-specific instructional coverage. This plan and our students' academic progress are reviewed bi-annually, with opportunities for public input. If you would like to provide input on the use of ESSER III funds and our plan for support, please do so!
Learning for Life.
Southgate Community Schools:
The best choice for students and parents.
Belief Statements
All individuals have worth and deserve respect.
Learning is a lifelong process.
All students deserve a safe environment in which to learn.
Student effort is essential to student achievement.
Collaboration of students, parents and staff has the greatest impact on student growth.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on June 25, 2024, at seven o'clock p.m., at Southgate City Hall Council Chambers, 14400 Dix Toledo Road, Southgate, Michigan, the Board of Education of Southgate Community School District will hold a public hearing to consider the District’s proposed 2024-2025 budget.
The Board may not adopt its proposed 2024-2025 budget until after a public hearing has been held. A copy of the proposed 2024-2025 budget, including the proposed property tax millage rate, is available for public inspection during normal business hours at 13940 Leroy, Southgate, Michigan.
The property tax millage rate proposed to be levied to support the proposed budget will be a subject of this hearing.
This notice is given by order of the Board of Education.
Dr. Darlene L. Pomponio,
Student Safety
POLICY - It is the policy of the Board of Education and the School District not to unlawfully discriminate on the basis of handicap, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, height, weight, sexual orientation or gender identity. The District reaffirms its policy to comply with Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, the Michigan Handicappers' Civil Rights Act, Americans with Disability Act of 1990, and all other applicable Federal and State laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination.
Upcoming Events
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School News
Kids Empowered visited the Big Brothers program. See the Southgate Schools Big Brothers Program Facebook page for more information on both programs.
JROTC hosts "Operation Workout" come down any Thursday at 12:45 for a workout!